New Development Update - added features

Big Update!

A few new features have been added to this particular game, including:

  • Objectives* 
  • Respawning pickups for hunger and flashlight meters
  • Gamepad support* 

*These are still in development, but do not affect the overall ability to win the game 


  • Pitchfork by the shed - It is supposed to distract the enemy so you can make an escape, but instead, it just seems to make it notice you faster, and comes running towards you. 
  • Cabinet inside the shed - The door is supposed to swing open, using a physics simulation so you can open it and get the key. For some reason, the player is unable to grab the door. It may be conflicting with the collision behind the pitchfork when the physics on THAT is activated.  

Get Survival Horror #8,436

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